Here are some helpful links to fill your nerdy brain with knowledge about plastic pollution and its effects on the environment, and the steps we can all take in helping to save it!

UN Environment

Clean Seas - Launched by UN Environment, Clean Seas' goal is to fight marine plastic pollution

How Humans are turning the world into plastic

BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION - Learn more about plastic pollution, and how you can help 

World Environment Day - June 5, 2019 

7 Ways to Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution Today - An  informative article from the Oceanic Society on ways to reduce plastic pollution.

10 tips in reducing your plastic footprint

Your soft plastics recycling guide

Find out how and where to recycle!

Is Cellophane better than plastic? 

How to recycle BUBBLE MAILERS

Did you know? - Learn more about Plastic Pollution



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